Order Aggregation and Management

Generate, manage and aggregate orders from various sales channels

Centralised, aggregated view of all your orders across sales channels including your ecommerce stores, marketplaces and wholesale orders

Connected with your inventory management

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Process orders across all your B2B and B2C channels

Process orders across all your B2B and B2C channels

Track and your order progressions across your B2B and B2c channels from generations, payments, packing and picking all the way to the customer delivery

Choose from a comprehensive list of order and payment status

Always keep up to the with your orders

Generate receipts and invoices for all your orders

Connect to all your online channels and make sure your inventory is in sync everywhere, all the time

Orders come hand in hand with customers

The CRM built for ecommerce and wholesale businesses

Manage relationships with all your clients and customers across B2B and B2C.

See the full history of orders, communications, and other sales activities per customer in one place.

Request a demo now and experience the difference

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